Created: 11/26/19

Updated: 6/15/20

Recently I’ve been having some time zone issues with the clock and not being able to change the clock’s time or timezone. Below is the workaround to this problem:

Found this works in an elevated prompt on the PDC FSMO holder:

1. net stop w32time

2. w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:”,,,”

3. w32tm /config /reliable:yes

4. net start w32time

5. w32tm /query /configuration

6. w32tm /resync

6. w32tm /query /status

7.  w32tm /config /update

8. w32tm /query /status

Also, if you want to change the local Server to use a PDC NTP server use this command:

  1. w32tm /config /manualpeerlist:”DC50.G15It.local” /update
  2. w32tm /query /source
  3. w32tm /query /status

Did this to force the time zone change, also elevated powershell

1. Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable
2. Set-TimeZone -Name “Eastern Standard Time”

Hope this helps someone 🙂