2015 Sep 21 By Deathmage85 0 comment

Took the CompTIA Storage + exam on Saturday and passed, it was a pretty straightforward exam, I enjoyed it quite a bit. The study prep for it was also nice to learn, learned a number of things that will follow me through in my datacenter and system administration roles. Will use the knowledge from it to make effective datacenter decision moving forward, and I will have ap lan on my shelf for the book for reference.

Study Material Used:

  1. Pluralsight: Nigel Poulon.
  2. CBT Nuggets: Jeremy
  3. Storage Networking book by Nigel Poulon.

Onward to the Cisco CCNA:R&S (ICDN2) pursuit to finish up that certification. I will either do VCP6-DCV after that or do Project + or possible both if I’m crazy enough. 🙂

Storage +